Are You Making These Mistakes With Your Air Conditioner?

The heat of the summer is on. Are you wishing for the cooler autumn months already? Are you trying to recreate fall weather by bumping your air conditioner temperatures a few degrees?

Keep in mind that your air conditioner accounts for a significant percentage of your overall consumption of energy. According to the US Energy Information Administration, 12 percent of your energy costs go to running your air conditioner each year.

How can you take control over how much you pay each month on your utility bill? Start with these simple tips.

Use curtains and blinds

Colorado’s heat can be intense in the middle of the day. Because we’re in the middle of the plains, trees aren’t a common element in most properties. If you don’t have large trees shading your home, pay more attention to how sunlight flows in. Close off the windows for the few hours sunlight streams in by closing blinds or curtains. This will prevent natural heat from entering, warming up your home, and requiring more energy usage to keep your rooms cool.

Use a programmable thermostat

This is one of the easiest ways to control cooling costs. You can reprogram it every few weeks, depending on your schedule and the temperatures outside. It’s a great way to ensure your house is comfortable while you’re home, and saving energy while you’re away. If you use a smart thermostat, you can control it with a touch of a button, from anywhere with internet access. It’s one of the simplest ways to control your energy costs.

Update your air filters

One of the most critical elements in your HVAC system is the air filter. If the air filter is dirty, you’ll have poor air flow throughout your home. Especially now when we’re staying in place, spending more time working and living out of our homes, ensure you change out your air filters regularly to ensure your cooling system is working as well as it can.

Service your air conditioner

You can’t install a new air conditioner and expect it to work for years without a little TLC at the start of each season. It’s like asking your car to work without changing out the motor oil from time to time. If it’s mechanical, it’s going to need a “tune up” to keep it working the way it should. This may have been a crazy year, with you trying to determine what services to pay for and who to allow into your home. We’re doing our part as essential service providers to help keep you safe. Yet it’s equally important to ensure your home’s cooling system is operating effectively. It’s the best way to ensure it will keep running until the coolness of autumn sets in.

Have a question about your air conditioner? Give us a call today.

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