Low Flow Faucets and Plumbing Fixtures

In 1995, the National Energy Policy Act mandated that all new toilets installedwere
required to use 1.6 gallons of water or less. As water efficiency and
green initiatives continue to be a top concern for many, other plumbing
fixtures have also been adapted to conserve water.

  • The toilet continues to be at the top of the list for efficiency. Reducing
    a flush from as high as 7 gallons down to the 1.6 gallons of water can
    save thousands of gallons per year.
  • Conventional water faucets increase water usage with the amount of pressure
    you desire. With new technology, you can now receive the same amount of
    water pressure, regardless of the amount of water used. Low flow faucet
    aerators can cut water usage from as much as 4 gallons per minute down
    to around 2 ½.
  • Showerheads use similar aerator technology, and often have multiple flow
    settings, allowing you to control the amount of water used in each shower.
    A low flow shower head uses around 2 ½ gallons of water per minute,
    compared to up to 5 gallons per minute used by conventional shower heads.

The key to conserving is being aware of how much water you use, and controlling
your usage as much as possible. A green plumber can help your home function
at a much lower water rate. Call for your energy audit today.

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